Is Success possible without Education???

Now a day’s education is an important cog in anyone's ability in being successful. If a person wants to start a business and they do not know basic mathematics or they are unable to read a report, they will be unable to find success in their endeavors. I think it is also helpful that once people have learned their basics that they learn more advanced concepts for their specific field. The more you know about the thing you want to do, the more successful you will be.
Education is Pioneer to go forward
For people who are looking to take the next step forward in their job search or in their professional goals an education is the next step there. For those looking for a job it’s hard to look at the newspaper or any internet job board for a job without an education.

Although education is a key for success, and it is essential for success, there are many types of education. Not everyone is suited for a "conventional" college education. For example, skilled workers, carpenters, plumbers etc can't do their jobs and do them well without some type of learning background in those fields. Being successful at anything requires training, learning and practice: all components of education.
But another is opinion is that

I think education has become severely watered down. Unqualified, unintelligent students are filling the classrooms. It is too business driven. The real millionaires are innovators and people who are smart. Entrepreneurs, entertainers, people with specific skills. Going to school is going to get you average. 2.5 kids and a suburban house, and that is if you are lucky. Find your dream and chase it.

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