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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Take A Good Care of Your Laptop Battery Health & Optimize It.

Take Care of Your Laptop Battery Health & Optimize It

Herewith following tips to improve and increase your laptop battery life, health and Optimize it well:-

Full charged your laptop battery. Many peoples does not charge their laptop battery full, this is not a healthy sign for your laptop battery.

Many peoples use laptop during charging. With out emergency or critical situation don't use laptop during charging. When you have full charged laptop then start to use it. 

Do not charged your laptop battery until its full empty.


Optimize your laptop battery time to time for a healthy life of it, the optimization method is 
Type cmd in run bar then press enter,
and type powercfg -energy in window.

Now you have seen a report about your laptop battery health. This easy tips will able to improve your laptop battery life and health.


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